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- > Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project - A Historical Perspective - Lessons Learned
- > Official Opening of the Renewed Hollyburn Lodge (January 15, 2017 - Photos)
- > Hollyburn Lodge - Thank you for being part of the future! - Jackie Swanson
- > "It Takes a Community to Build a Lodge" - Kevin Healy
- > Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project Photos (2016)
- > Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project Photos (2015)
- > Hollyburn Lodge Farewell BBQ - April 24, 2015
- > Hollyburn Lodge Restoration Project Timeline
Proposed Fred Burfield's Tractor/Bombardier Museum at First Lake
- > Fred Burfield's Bombardier on Hollyburn Mountain -Vintage Photos
- > The Restoration of Fred Burfield's Bombardier - Steve Richards
- > The Restoration of Fred Burfield’s Bombardier - Photos
- > John Deere Tractors on Hollyburn Mtn - Video & Photos
- > Fred Burfield's John Deere Tractor Restoration Project – Peter Tapp
- > Fred Burfield's John Deere Tractor Restoration Project - Video & Photos
- > Fred Burfield's John Deere Tractor After Restoration - Photos & Video
- > Pioneers
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail 2020
- > Views from the Major Summits in Cypress Provincial Park (Photos)
- > The Hollyburn Shoulder & Romstads Run (Photos & Video)
- > Hollyburn Plateau Lakes (Photos)
- > Hollyburn Plateau Lakes (Videos)
- > Hollyburn Mountain Public Access Trail
- > Hollyburn Lodge, First Lake (Videos)
- > Hollyburn Ridge Lakes (Photos)
- > West Lake (Videos)
- > Blue Gentian Lake Videos
- > Hollyburn Ridge Creeks (Videos)
- > Natural Historians at Work on the Brothers Creek Trail (July 2013 - Photos & Video)
- > Old Growth Conservancy on Hollyburn Ridge (Photos)
- > Black Mountain Plateau Lakes (Photos)
- > Yew Lake In Cypress Provincial Park (Powerpoint Slides, Photos & Videos)
- > North Shore Mountains Historical Timeline (1875 - 2010)
- > Artifacts of Yesteryear (A.G.M. F.)
- > The History of Hollyburn Lodge - Don Grant
- > Hollyburn Lodge Photos (1924-1984)
- > Hollyburn Lodge Videos: "Hollyburn Lodge Through the Seasons & Generations"
- > The Hollyburn Trail (1922-1927) Articles by Pollough Pogue
- > “The Ski Camp At the ‘Old Mill’ Site” – Eilif Haxthow’s Hollyburn Journal (October 1924 - January 1928)
- > Searching for the Nasmyth Mill Site - Part 1 (Don Grant)
- > The Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club of Vancouver, B.C. - Rudolph J. Verne (1927)
- > Hollyburn Mountain Articles by Pollough Pogue (1927) & Photos from HHS Archives
- > The Swedes At the Hollyburn Ski Camp (1927 -1946)
- > The Burfield Family At Hollyburn Ski Lodge (1946 -1983)
- > History of Hollyburn Ridge - Ted Russell
- > Walks in West Vancouver - Hikes on Hollyburn Ridge (1929
- > Hi-View Lodge & the Chairlift (1951 – 1965)
- > Hollyburn Ridge Brochure circa 1954
- > 1962 Boy Scout Map of Hollyburn Mtn
- > West Lake Camp/Lodge (1932 - 1938) "The Other Side of the Mountain"
- > Westlake Ski Lodge (1939 – 1987)
Prose & Poetry
- > "Heritage of Hollyburn – Holmenkollen (Cabin 225)"
- > "The History of the HWTC" – Bob Tapp
- > "The Bread Lady's Cabin" - Vince Hernandez
- > "Cabin Builders on Hollyburn Ridge (1930’s)" - Hal Plumsteel
- > "Hollyburn Cabin ‘North Plus Fours’ Through the Generations" - Don Grant
- > "Many A Notch In Time" - A.G.M.F.
- > "The Building of Alasker Inn" - Dick Andersen
- > "Par-a-dice Inn" - Jack Branston
- > "Youthful Days on Hollyburn Mtn – 1960’s (Part 1)" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Youthful Days on Hollyburn Mtn – 1960’s (Part 2)" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Braced for Every Season" A.G.M.F.
- > "Hollyburn Hideaways" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Cabineers" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Called To Higher Ground" - A.G.M.F.
- > "After Autumn Leaves" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Ridgeline Vignettes" - A.G.M.F.
- > "A Reverent Ode to the Outdoor Commode" - A.G.M.F.
- > "A Ramble on Hollyburn Ridge" - A.G.M.F.
- > "When A Mountain Comes to Mind" - A.G.M.F.
- > "A Fine Place to Rest" - A.G.M.F.
- > "To A Cabin In the Woods" - A.G.M.F.
- > "HEWN BY HAND" - A.G.M.F.
- > "On Winter At First Lake" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Hollyburn Lodge" - A.G.M.F.
- > "A Curious Encounter" - A.G.M.F.
- > Cabins
Competitive Sports
The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 2) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 3) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 4) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 5) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 6) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 7) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 8) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 9) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 10) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 11) Documents
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 12) Documents
The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1927/1928 & 1928/1929 Ski Seasons)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1929/30 & 1930/1931 Ski Seasons)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1931/32 & 1932/1933 Ski Seasons)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1933/34 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1934/35 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1935/1936 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1936/1937 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1937/1938 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1938/1939 Ski Season)
Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volumes 1 & 2 (1932/1933)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 3 (1934/1935)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 4 (1935/1936)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 5 (1936/1937)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 6 (1937/1938)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 7 (1938/1939) Nos. 1, 2, 3
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 7 (1938/1939) Nos. 6, 7, 8
- > Heroes of the Harnessed Hickory (Parts 1 & 2)
- > Heroes of the Harnessed Hickory (Parts 3 & 4
- > Hollyburn Mountain
- > Grouse Mountain
- > Mount Seymour
- > Princeton
- > Revelstoke
- > Banff, Alberta
- > Pacific Northwest - Snoqualmie & Mt Hood
The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection
Recreational Skiing
Recreational Skiing In Cypress Provincial Park
- > Historic Ski Runs On Hollyburn Mountain
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1920's & 1930's (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1940's (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1930's, 1940's, 1950's (Videos)
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1950's & 1960's (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1970's (Photos)
- > Historic Ski Runs On Mount Strachan (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing On Black Mountain (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing On Grouse Mountain (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing On Mt. Seymour (Video & Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing Near Princeton, BC (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing On Mount Baker (Photos)
Recreational Skiing In Cypress Provincial Park
The Trail to Hollyburn Peak (Photos & Video)
- > Lake Country on Hollyburn Mountain
- > Historic References to Yew Lake (Cypress Lake) - 1920's
- > Yew Lake & Black Mtn
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail Part 1 - Mount Strachan
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail Part 2 - Strachan Meadows to West Lion Peak
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail Part 3 - West Lion To Deeks Lake
- > Mt Brunswick Peak from Porteau Cove circa 1940 (Varsity Outdoor Club)
- > Hiking Near Grouse Mtn
Garibaldi Provincial Park
- > Explorations In Garibaldi Provincial Park - 1930's
- > Garibaldi Provincial Park: Around Garibaldi Lake
- > Garibaldi Provincial Park: Elfin Lakes & Diamond Head
- > The Black Tusk
- > "The Brandvolds of Diamond Head" - Irene Howard
- > Brandvold Family Reunion At Diamond Head Chalet – September 15, 2007
- > Garibaldi Provincial Park Hike Videos - Summer 2019
The Trail to Hollyburn Peak (Photos & Video)
Cypress Now
- > Cypress Creek Lodge
- > X-Country Skiing & Snowshoeing Videos
Snowshoeing Photos
- > Snowshoe Trails To Hollyburn Lodge
- > Ancient Giants & Marr Giant Connector Trail
- > Ridge Traverse Trail
- > Ridge Fall Line Trail
- > Far East Trail
- > Upper Glades Loop Trail
- > Public Access Trail to Hollyburn Peak
- > Snowshoeing On the Black Mtn Plateau
- > Snowshoeing On Mt. Strachan
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail To Bowen Lookout & Binkert Kiosk
Hiking Photos & Videos
- > Cypress Provincial Park Map - Section 1 (West)
- > Cypress Provincial Park Map - Section 2 (East)
- > 10 Minute Trail to Hollyburn Lodge (March 2013 - Photos)
- > Hollyburn Lodge via the Westlake Road & the Main Trail (April 2013 - Photos)
- > Brothers Creek Trail to the Junction with Crossover Trail (April 2013 - Photos & Video)
- > Brothers Creek Trail to the Junction with Blue Gentian Trail (April 2013 - Photos)
- > Brothers Creek Trail - Crossover Trail Junction to the Upper Falls (July 2013 - Photos & Video)
- > Baden-Powell Trail to the Snowline (May 2013 - Photos)
- > Views of Lawson Creek along the Baden-Powell Trail to the Crossover Trail (May 2013 - Photos)
- > Crossover Trail on Hollyburn Ridge (June 2013 - Photos & Video)
- > Trail to Blue Gentian Lake & the Baden-Powell Trail from the Upper Brothers Creek Bridge (October 2013 - Photos)
- > Blue Gentian Lake to Hollyburn Lodge via West Lake (November 2013 - Photos)
- > Descent of the Fire Access Road In WV's Upper Lands (July 2013 - Photos))
- > Upper Brothers Creek Trail to Lost Lake (July 2013 - Photos)
- > Views of Small Lakes & Ponds along the Unknown Lake Trail (August 2017 - Photos)
- > Hollyburn Peak via the Powerline Trail & the Plateau (July 2013 - Photos)
- > Hollyburn Plateau via the junction of the Baden-Powell Trail & the Old Strachan Trail (July 2013 - Photos)
- > Old Trail to Mount Strachan - Part 1 (August 2013 - Photos)
- > Old Trail to Mount Strachan - Part 2 (August 2013 - Photos)
- > Black Mountain (July 23 - Photos)
- > HSCT East - Trailhead to Binkert Kiosk (July 2013 - Photos)
- > HSCT - Binkert Kiosk to Mt. St. Marks (July 2013 - Photos)
- > HSCT Trail (Summer 2017 & 2018 - Photos)
- > Partners
- > Site Map
Searching for the Nasmyth Mill Site - Part 2
Photo Group 4GROUP 5 Photo Descriptions 67. The Cypress Bowl Road was not the first road built on Hollyburn Ridge. 68. In the late 1930’s, the Heaps Logging Company built a road up the Ridge as far as the Nasmyth mill site. 69.When the provincial government closed down the logging operation, hikers & skiers rode trucks or drove private cars up the new road as far as the The Forks Store . . . . 70. . . . . seen here in this photo taken by Eric Cable in the mid-1940’s. 71. Shortly after World War II, Hi Colville purchased an army surplus bus and a halftrack . . . 72. . . . . which carried Hollyburners as far as the the “Old Mill” site, even in wintry conditions. 73. Recently, the road from the old Forks Store to the Nasmyth Mill site was reopened. BC Hydro uses this road to access Hydro towers on Hollyburn Ridge. In this photo, we see the road on its final approach to the Nasmyth Mill site just below the Cypress Bowl Road. 74. The small yellow sign just visible at centre-left marks the point where the “Old Mill” service road meets the Cypress Bowl Road. An upper part of the Rodgers Creek ravine is seen down the road to the right. 75. The Cypress Bowl Road roadbed covers much of the former Nasmyth Mill site, including the location of the ski camp restaurant run by Eilif Haxthow and his Scandinavian partners. 76. Note the highlighted rocky slope a few metres west of the Rodgers Creek ravine. 77. In this photo taken about 1950, part of the Rodgers Creek ravine can be seen behind the pile of snow on the right. 78. This is a photo of Pollough Pogue’s cabin at the Nasmyth, taken during the summer of 1926. Pogue is at the far left wearing a toque. In his article, “The Creek”, Pogue wrote, “My cabin stands on the edge of the little draw down which the creek hurries after it leaves the storage pond. Soon the defile grows deeper and more rugged; the creek thunders among big rocks and plunges in white cataracts and steaming cascades down miniature precipices. Every night during the continuing rain since last fall and early winter the creek’s heavy roar booming above the steady wash of the rain, composed my mind to sleep.” In the background is a steep, shaded slope, most likely the western side of Rodgers Creek. 79. The significance of the 2500-foot level in relationship to the location of the Nasmyth Mill is evident in the following slides. 80.In several articles, including “The Cabin”, Pollough Pogue noted that the Nasmyth Mill site was located at the 2500-foot level on Hollyburn Ridge. 81. The 1935 West Vancouver map indicates the Nasmyth Millpond was about 30 feet below the 2500 foot contour line. 82. In this section of the Cypress Provincial Park Hiking Map published in September 2014, the 740 metre contour line, equivalent to 2,430 feet, is high-lighted in red. A red dot marks the location HHS has identified as that of the former site of the Nasmyth Mill, later referred to by Hollyburners as the “Old Mill Site”. No other location on that contour line fits the information we have seen regarding the Nasmyth Mill site. 83. Since 1925, three names have been used to identify the heritage building that is near and dear to many Hollyburners. 84. The first commercial ski operation on the North Shore Mountains, often referred to as the “Ski Camp at the Old Mill Site” opened for business shortly after New Year’s Day in 1925. By 1932, there was little trace of the mill. 85. During the fall of 1926, the ski camp restaurant was dismantled and rebuilt near the western shore of First Lake, where it was renamed the Hollburn Ski Camp. It officially opened for business on Sunday, January 16th, 1927. 86. During the next 88 years, the Hollyburn Ski Camp, later named Hollyburn Ski Lodge by the Burfields, and Hollyburn Lodge by Cypress Mountain provided services for winter sports enthusiasts. 87. On June 2nd, 2015, Hollyburn Lodge was dismantled to make way for a renewed Hollyburn Lodge, to be rebuilt in the image of the old lodge. The rebuild will include underground utility lines, which open up the possibility of a 4-season operation. More information about the Hollyburn Lodge 2015 Renewal Project may be found on Home page of this website. To conclude, have a second look at the Rodgers Creek video at the top of this web page, and see it with a new set of eyes. | GROUP 4 Photo Descriptions 42. We will now compare historic photos of the Nasmyth Mill site with photos taken in 2015 and try match features from the past with those visible in the present. 43. The upper reaches of Rodgers Creek are seen in this image from Google Maps. Note the obvious curve in the creek. At the bottom, the creek flows into a tunnel goes under the Cypress Bowl Road near the third hairpin turn. 44. In this photo taken just west and about 100 metres downhill from the third hairpin turn, the upper part of a ravine cut by Rodgers Creek is visible behind the white tree trunks at centre-right. 45. Here is close-up view of Rodgers Creek. 46. This photo was taken on the east side of Rodgers Creek about 80 metres north of the Cypress Bowl Road. The canyon walls on the west side of the creek are clearly visible. Try to trace the brow of the hill in the background. In his article, “The Creek” published in 1926, Pollough Pogue wrote, “Above my camp the creek emerged from a little canyon with granite walls from fifteen to twenty feet high.” 47. This photo was taken on the east side of Rodgers Creek about 120 metres north of the Cypress Bowl Road. Again, trace the brow of the hill in the background . . . . . . 48. . . . . . and compare it with the brow of the hill seen in the background of this colour-coded version of a photo seen earlier. The upper part of the Rodgers Creek ravine is behind the hiker is clearly defined. 49. Here is a colour-coded version of a photo seen earlier. Again, note the log dam that was built to create the Nasmyth millpond. The colour-coding enables us to see more clearly the upper part of the ravine cut by Rodgers Creek in the left foreground, and, on the right, behind behind the dam, the millpond basin. 50. In this photo, the two logs seen atop a large rock are most likely the remnants of the Nasmyth millpond dam. The smaller, upper logs have long since disappeared. 51. The person seen standing on the upper log gives us a better sense of the size of the two remaining logs and the large rock beneath them. 52. This is a view of Rogers Creek ravine from the upper log of the dam looking southward towards the Cypress Bowl Road. 53. This photo was taken high on the west side of the ravine looking northeastward. Compare this photo taken in 2015 . . . . 54. . . . . with this photo of the Nasmyth mill taken in 1925. 55. A side-by-side comparison of the two photos reveals similarities in the terrain. 56. A couple of metres north of the Nasmyth millpond dam are man-made artifacts that are most likely linked to the dam or the flumes seen previously. 57. This is a photo of the same artifacts from a viewpoint further upstream. 58. We will now look at a feature located at the northern edge of the millpond. Compare this photo, taken in 1925 . . . . 59. . . . . with this photo taken in 1929. Rodgers Creek would have flowed into the millpond around the point of land seen on the left. 60. Here is another photo at that point of land taken in the early 1930’s. By that time the mill pond had drained, most likely because the smaller, upper logs of the dam had weakened to the point where they could no longer hold back the water, and were washed downstream. 61. Here is a contemporary photo of the same area. Note the point of land on the left bank of Rodgers Creek. 62. Here is that point of land seen from a different perspective. Rodgers Creek is just visible through the tree branches on the right. 63. Another view of that point of land from a viewpoint upstream looking south. Notice how Rodgers Creek curves to the left around this feature. 64. That curve is easily seen in the image from Google Maps. 65. About 50 metres north of that point of land, Rogers Creek divides into two tributaries. The branch on the right flows from slopes below First Lake; the branch on the left flows from a drainage area southeast of the Cypress Mountain works yard . . . 66. . . . as is evident is evident in the 1996 map.
Photo Group 5 |